User Privacy Matters: Our Commitment to You

Since the beginning, The Weather Whys Company has tried to build privacy-minded functionality into our websites. It’s why we ask for the minimum amount of information when you sign up for our newsletters and are as transparent as possible about advertisements, our relationships with manufacturers, and the features we build.

You should have a choice in how your data is used and collected. Data privacy laws worldwide place the responsibility of data security and privacy on the website.

This post describes how we work to protect your privacy.


The Weather Whys Company does not use Google Analytics to track visitor behavior. Instead, we use Matomo Analytics, a privacy-focused Google Analytics alternative. Since it is hosted locally, any data collected is stored, managed, and solely viewable by us. While this data is shared with potential advertising partners, we do so in only general terms and have precise control over what we share.

Matomo is built to GDPR standards — far stricter than most privacy laws in the U.S. It also respects the “DoNotTrack” setting by default.


Green Living Insider has taken steps to limit the use of cookies wherever possible. This includes Grow, our subscription and sharing platform. No cookies are necessary to store information on this platform, which is one of the reasons why we have selected it for community building over other options.

Internal Security

We are working behind the scenes to streamline our processes to keep software up-to-date and our servers secure. Security updates are essential to keeping a website secure, and applying them as soon as possible must be a priority.

We’re committed to respecting your privacy and keeping your data safe.

Green Living Insider participates in Amazon Associates and other affiliate programs and may receive a commission from clicking on links on our site.

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